Yahoo! Search Out-performs Google…

October 29th, 2008 by steve

Recently, I’ve noted that while searching for things that I KNOW are online, Google fails to return any results. How do I know they are online?  Because they are on my personal blog at

Since I am curious, I searched for them on Yahoo!  Instead of showing me one page of about ten results, Yahoo! showed me two pages of about 20.  While Google failed to list results from this blog, Yahoo! listed them all, plus others.

I am not sure why Google failed.  It lists results from more current posts on this blog.  Maybe Google assumed that if someone blogged something in the past searchers don’t need to find it (?)

In any case, I’ve made Yahoo! my default search — again.


Gmail Notifier in Vista…

September 1st, 2008 by steve

My daughter asked me how to install Gmail Notifier on her new PC at school.  Doing a little research, I made the following suggestions:

  1. You can download and install gmail notifier.  It’s here.  While google does not indicate it will work with Vista, browsing the web, you can see several people who indicate it does.
  2. You can download and install google talk as this page suggests.  Google talk is a chat application.  I find it unnecessry since I can chat on the google page.  Why have an extra application taking up system resources?
  3. You can install pidgin as your IM client.  Pidgin affords you ability to use multiple chat platforms including google talk.  It also gives you alerts when email arrives.  If you’re going to use AIM or MSN Messenger or Yahoo IM, you might as well install pidgin.  It’s here.  I’ve been using it for years and like it better than Trillian.

Any other suggestions?

Synchronizing Bookmarks without a Toolbar…

August 20th, 2008 by steve

Toolbar OverloadI want my bookmarks at work to be the same as the ones at home and on my laptop. Generally you can synchronize these things with Yahoo! Toolbar or Google Toolbar.  But I hate toolbars. They are redundant.  They take up viewing space.  They cause redundancies.  They populate your screen with useless information.  And they tend to be redundant.  They waste system resources.  Did I mention redundancies?

Yet toolbars can bring value to the table in this: You can use them to sync bookmarks on one computer with another.

Well, today I found a way to sync bookmarks without a toolbar. It’s found at  It keeps the bookmarks on my laptop synced with those at my office.

Try it.  Just install the add-on in FireFox.  Use the wizard to get an account and upload your bookmarks.  Then the next time you install it on a different machine, your bookmarks will be there too.

Synchronized Bookmarks without a toolbar!  Love it.