The Best Screen Protectors…
November 29th, 2010 by steveI have had a PDA since the old Casio SF-R20 pictured here. But it wasn’t until the days of the Palm iv that I realized the need for a screen protector. I had read extensively how easily the face of the Palm was scratched and immediately placed a protector on it. It diminished the clarity of the display, but I felt it was probably worth it.
Then I bought the Palm m-130. It was a disappointment from the word go. It’s resolution was so poor I felt like scratches wouldn’t hurt it a bit, so in the month or so that I had it, I went without a screen protector. Guess what. The surface began to show scratches in that short time. So when I upgraded to the Sony CLIÉ and then to my iPAQ, and then to my iPod, I made sure I put screen protectors on them. I bought the protectors in bulk and cut them to fit.
When I bought my Droid 2, I realized it would need a screen protector, but I didn’t want to use the ones I had bought years ago. I knew screen protector technology must have changed since the days of the Clie, so I went to Verizon. They wanted about $20 for a pack of three screen protectors. When I made a Scotsman’s face (I am good at that), the clerk said, “Check ebay or another online source.”
So, once again, I read the reviews, and I bought a protector from Stealth Guards. I bought the free one. I know that sounds weird, but their basic screen protector is actually free. You just pay for shipping. It looks like a scam, but it is legitimate. When I got the guard, my wife (who is good at hand-crafts) and I watched the video and then she put the Stealth Guard on the device. It worked well. There was a small amount of air under the protector, but in about a week, that was completely gone. I would guess that most people looking at my Droid would not even know there was a screen protector on it.
Later, Tim ordered one of the carbon fiber scratch resistant ones.
Both of those we ordered are impressive. They are cut precisely for the phone. The carbon fiber model looks great. And I am sure it will protect the phone better and last longer. However, there were two things we didn’t like about the carbon fiber screen protectors:
- Except where it covered the screen, it was not transparent. So the buttons at the bottom of the screen are no longer visible on Tim’s phone. That’s not a problem if you know they’re there. But what about when you hand your phone to a friend to show him how it works?
- Because the frame is non-transparent, the transparent screen cover is a separate piece. That makes a small crack between the boarder of the screen and the actual screen protector. Can anyone say dust trap?
If I were to buy another Stealth Guard, and I am sure I will, I would get the free one. It’s well-designed and protects the entire phone without inhibiting use at all.
I am not sure Stealth Guards are the best ones out there, but I am very pleased with the one on my Droid.
November 29th, 2010 at 11:44 am
I like the anti-glare screen protectors from
November 29th, 2010 at 11:46 am
Cool. The Matte Finish at Stealth Guard is $1.99.
November 29th, 2010 at 1:20 pm
I had one from Verizon on my droid but I just got a new holster that protects the screen so I removed it. I hate them but I guess they are a necessary evil.
November 29th, 2010 at 1:26 pm
A holster?

November 29th, 2010 at 1:44 pm
Lol something like that. But more like this.–holster-combo/4A123A7318.htm
November 29th, 2010 at 1:46 pm
Well — that’s nice, but not nearly as nice as the one featured in my earlier comment.
November 29th, 2010 at 8:38 pm
Nice I wish I had heard of them before I got my Body Guardz. They look similar and the listed prices are about the same. Of course Body Guardz came with the solution, the templates already cut and the card to get the liquid out. But for free I could have made do without that.
I did notice that the About US, FAQ and Shipping method pages don’t really come up, headers, sides and footers but no real content.
November 30th, 2010 at 9:53 am
Yeah, Allen — I read a review of Stealth Guards and the reviewer listed as a “con” — Web page seems like a scam.
I am sure he was referring to the “free” aspect. But beyond that, the lack of company info makes one wonder.