How can I live the Christian Life?

“It’s all grace” – Brennan Manning

True Christians have a number of things in common: an awareness of their own sin, an understanding of Jesus’ sacrifice, a choice of trust that Jesus’ death pays for their sin, and a heart that’s turned away from sinful pursuits.

Clipboard01There’s something else we have in common: A realization that we cannot live the Christian life. If you don’t realize that you cannot live the Christian life, you’re closing your eyes to reality. But don’t give up.

This podcast, presented by me at Curwensville Alliance on August 10, 2014, addresses the difficulty and explains how the gospel brings the answer. It’s all grace, you know.

If you’re interested in the sermon notes, contact me.



What does the Bible say about swearing?

One of the great one-liners from the Andy Griffith Show comes from Opie’s dad, Andy, when little Opie has said something inappropriate. Andy looks at his son and says, “And to think I was glad when you learned to talk!” I would guess every parent feels this way about a child at least once in his life. I wonder if God ever feels that way about humankind.

You bet he does.

This podcast uncovers the meaning of Ephesians 5:4 where God’s word says, Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. (NIV)

Take a listen.

Oh — by the way, the story about the two pastors is something I heard a couple of years ago, but I don’t have the source. I should have prefaced it with the words, “I once heard an account of…” As I think about it, it could be a bit of an urban legend. Still — it makes the point well. ~Steve