Jesus Tears Down the Wall of Hostility

How would your life be different if there were no Jesus? If you’re a Christian, you know that the answer to that question is sobering. If you’re not a Christian, your life would be very different if there were no Jesus — you probably just aren’t aware of it.

If you lived in Ephesus 2000 years ago, and you heard the news — that God’s Son had come to die for us and forgive those who place their faith in Him — you knew that Jesus made all the difference in the world.

In Ephesians 2:11-22, the Apostle Paul speaks to the people of Ephesus, explaining to them that they are now part of God’s family. “The dividing wall of hostility” has been removed.

This podcast  reminds us of the difference Christ makes in our lives and, at the end, this podcast invites you to experience that difference firsthand.

Transitions at the Cross: From Foe to Friend

I looked in the cupboard this week and saw that our Easter Bunny had bought the Candy-coated Milk Chocolate Eggs. They are making their procession from Hershey to the grocery store to our cupboard to the Easter Basket. The Shields family is heading quickly toward Easter.

You and I are doing something similar. We’re not stocking up on chocolate bunnies here at church, but we are progressing from Sunday to Sunday on our way to Resurrection Sunday. And as we travel this road, we are giving thought to some transitions brought about by the Cross of Christ. We’ve talked about the transitions from…

  • Fear to Freedom.
  • Remembering to Rejoicing.
  • And Impossibilities to Realities.

In this podcast, I talk about the Transition from Foe to Friend. It’s the Cross of Christ that makes this transition possible.

The Cross Is Essential to Christianity…

I love this quote:

It is at the cross and through the cross that God communicates most clearly with man because this is where He experienced suffering and met us where we abide—in the “shadow of death.” And it is through this cross that God can create an alternative reality for a fallen creation that sees the cross as folly until they come to accept His great gift of grace. ~E. L. Shields