On His Tombstone…

I was reading a good exposition of a passage today and I wondered, “Who is this writer?” So I clicked the “About Me” tab on the site and it said little about him except this:

What I want on my tombstone: “Bring It!”

I love it. I am sure he doesn’t mean to arrogantly challenge death. Rather, as a servant of Jesus Christ, he’s looking forward to what awaits him in Christ, beyond the grave.

Me too.

Bring it.

Finding Hope in Christ’s Resurrection

Have you ever seen someone without hope? It’s a terrible thing to see. And nothing brings into contrast the difference between those without hope and those with hope than the concept of the resurrection of Christ.

This message brings the issue of hope we have in Christ’s resurrection to our own.

An Easter Sermon – Are You Still in the Tomb?

As a pastor, I see many people who are unhappy: some who I interact with in my hometown; some who visit my church; some who regularly attend my church. Just go read some random posts on social networking sites and you can see it. Many people are desperately unhappy.

Most often their unhappiness is linked to the darkness they expose themselves to. It grieves me how many people seem to either live in darkness or play with it.

The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Light of the World. It teaches that he can bring light to your life. If you’re wondering how that can happen, check out this sermon.

Download the mp3 here or stream the mp3 here.

Sermon notes are available by request.
