How Beautiful Is the Body of Christ…Really?

It was great, hearing Rock Dillaman at Mahaffey Camp. He spoke to those present about the ministry of the Church in society. I took a few moments and typed these words from his first sermon at Mahaffey Family Camp, 2012.

I want to begin this first night by reading something that Bill Hybels said a few years ago, “There is nothing like the local church when it’s working right. Its beauty is indescribable. Its power is breathtaking. Its potential is unlimited. It comforts the grieving and heals the broken in the context of community. It builds bridges to seekers and offers truth to the confused. It provides resources to those in need and opens its arms to the forgotten, the downtrodden, the disillusioned. It breaks the chains of addictions, frees the oppressed, and offers belonging to the marginalized of this world. Whatever the capacity for human suffering, the church has a greater capacity for healing and wholeness. Still, to this day, the potential of the local church is almost more than I can grasp,” he said. “No other organization on earth is like the church — nothing even comes close.”

But notice how he began: “There’s nothing like the local church when it’s working right.”

But let me tell you something that I think you already know: There is nothing more tragic, more heartbreaking, more discouraging than the local church when it isn’t working right. Because when it isn’t working right, the ugliness is indescribable. The weakness is breathtaking. The potential is unfulfilled. And rather than comforting the grieving, it just creates more heartache than there already is in this world. And as I look across the church scene in our own nation, in many places, I see the church being ugly rather than breathtaking.

We’re not even evangelizing our own children very well. Do you know that a recent study has indicated 57% of young men and women raised in evangelical churches — as soon as they get out of high school — walk away from the faith and walk away from the church. 57%. I don’t think that many would be walking away if they were seeing something breathtaking. But I think many are walking away, by their own testimony, because they’ve just seen ugliness, division, infighting, power struggles, personality cults, love of tradition rather than love of lost people, refusal to change, lack of Spirit-power, lack of vision, business as usual, excuse-making, deadness of spirit, deadness of heart. When the church isn’t working — just makes you want to weep. — Rock Dillaman at Mahaffey Family Camp, 7/20/2012

How beautiful is the body of Christ, really?

Make your church the best thing about your community!

Jesus Tears Down the Wall of Hostility

How would your life be different if there were no Jesus? If you’re a Christian, you know that the answer to that question is sobering. If you’re not a Christian, your life would be very different if there were no Jesus — you probably just aren’t aware of it.

If you lived in Ephesus 2000 years ago, and you heard the news — that God’s Son had come to die for us and forgive those who place their faith in Him — you knew that Jesus made all the difference in the world.

In Ephesians 2:11-22, the Apostle Paul speaks to the people of Ephesus, explaining to them that they are now part of God’s family. “The dividing wall of hostility” has been removed.

This podcast  reminds us of the difference Christ makes in our lives and, at the end, this podcast invites you to experience that difference firsthand.

Celebrating Todays by Recalling Yesterdays…

I often say that I am a nostalgist. There’s no such word, but there should be.* I like to think of the past and remember it, happy or sad. Sometimes people avoid thinking about the past because the memories are filled with pain. Other times people don’t let their minds go there because when placed beside the past, the present feels pretty lame.

For the redeemed, there are parts of the past that we’d rather forget. Having opened the eyes of our hearts to the hope to which we’ve been called, we see our past lives for what they were — and some of those memories are not ones we hold fondly. Yet, in Ephesians 2, the text recalls our past — a past that isn’t so pretty.


The answer is that thinking back to who you were and contrasting it with who God has made you, evokes appreciation in your heart and life.

This Communion Service podcast encourages us to look back at our past so we can appreciate what God’s done in our lives.

*I’ve recently been made aware there is such a word as nostalgist. Thanks Allen. 🙂