Deprogramming for Emotional and Spiritual Health

Smartphones have apps on them — computer programs that accomplish tasks and effect performance. Any app that is on the phone changes the phone — some for the better, some for the worse.

Materialism App

We’re like that phone. We live in a world system that offers us apps that influence us. In fact, whether we install the apps into our lives or not, we can’t deny their influence. Perhaps some of the apps come bundled into our lives as the sinful nature. Others are ones that come without warning. Still, others, are ones we foolishly install without first determining how safe they really are.

This podcast suggest three apps we might have in our lives that, if we are going to be emotionally and spiritually healthy, must be removed.

How to Grow Spiritually

Presented 4.28.2013

Remember when you were a kid and you couldn’t wait to be an adult? Now, as an adult, I sometimes wish I could go back to those carefree days of childhood.

But besides the fact that I can’t go back, I know I couldn’t stand to go back. Growing is a good thing. Maturing is what we are supposed to do. And we all know men and women who never grew up, right? That’s not pleasant.

Spiritually speaking, the Bible warns us not to remain immature. God wants us to grow up, spiritually.

This podcast speaks of how we can grow up — mature — spiritually speaking, by borrowing and elaborating on Bill Bright’s Five Principles for Growth.


How can I find hope at Christmas?

There’s a dark side to Christmas. It’s not recorded in Matthew or Mark or Luke. John doesn’t cover it in his gospel account, but when John was in heaven, he saw it. And he recorded it for us in Revelation 12:1-5.

We don’t talk about that side of Christmas too often, but we should. We should because unless there is a cost there is little reason for appreciation. You appreciate that which comes with a cost.

When you realize the cost, you appreciate the sacrifice. And you have great reason to rejoice. And that celebration — like a touchdown in the middle of a football game — can spark hope and purpose for the future.

This podcast explains the end-zone dance done outside of Bethlehem by a host of heaven’s angels, giving us hope and purpose.