Why should I look forward to the return of Christ?

I think that heaven is largely underrated in our society. Maybe it’s the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Do you remember those? When Tom Cat was finally killed in his pursuit of Jerry Mouse and he ends up on a cloud playing a harp. I love cartoons. But please — don’t get your theology from them. One of the reasons heaven is under-rated is because some people get their theology from cartoons.

Generations before ours looked forward to heaven, perhaps more than some of us do. Why? Is heaven actually worth looking forward to? Is the Return of Christ a good thing? Should we be excited disappointed when we hear someone say that Christ’s return is near?

This podcast speaks about the return of Christ, giving us a perspective that helps us look forward to His glorious appearing.

Did you ever see a ghost?

guardWhen Laurel and I went to England, we took the tour of The Tower of London.

It’s well-worth the time and money to visit, if for no other reason than to hear the stories of the guards, who act as tour guides.

As our guide (the guard pictured here) began his presentation, he said something like this:

Before I say anything else, let me say this: “No. I have never seen any ghosts here.” Every group has people who ask, “Have you seen any ghosts in the Tower of London?” and I reply, “No — because there are no such things as ghosts.

That’s his opinion. He can believe whatever he wishes about ghosts. What’s your opinion?

Better — I wonder what Jesus’ teaching tells us about ghosts?

If you wonder, click the play button below to hear an audio file that addresses it.

Is the God I Believe in Real?

Over the past few decades, I’ve realized that much of the thinking of irreligious society has been incorporated into the lives of church people. For example, more than one person in Bible-believing churches have told me about the ghosts in their homes. Ghosts? OK — I enjoy a ghost story as much as the next guy, but I also enjoy stories about Santa Claus. That doesn’t mean I believe there’s a guy in a red suit being dragged through the sky on a sled by flying reindeer. And I don’t believe in ghosts.

My perspective on ghosts is not a denial of the supernatural. I believe in the supernatural. I’ve experienced supernatural events. So how can I say I don’t believe in ghosts? Because the God I believe in tells me what happens when we die — and haunting the living isn’t part of the program.

“The God I believe in…” Is that one of the goofiest things we could ever say or what? Yet whenever you hear someone say something that is in opposition to the teaching of Scripture, that’s what they are saying. They are saying that their version of god is different than the Bible’s version of God. And, make no mistake about it, they are saying that the god they believe in is superior to the God of the Bible. Wow — Is that arrogance or folly? Maybe both.

You don’t pick and choose what God says or does. He’s a person, distinct from you and me. We can’t tell him who he is any more than we can tell gravity how to behave. The podcast attached to this post emphasizes this important concept. And it demonstrates that the place we go for a clear understanding of God has to be the Bible. And when the god I believe in contradicts the God of the Bible, the God of the Bible wins.