Anger Management…

What makes you angry? I mean, what makes you really mad?

How about when you’re driving? How do you feel when someone passes you and then travels five miles per hour more slowly than you were traveling? Or how about that guy who pulls out in front of you just so he can travel 100 yards and turn off the road? Or what about the times your husband buys something without talking to you? Or what about when you tell him that your mother is coming for dinner five times, and he forgets it?

Anger is both common and dangerous. Still, many of us cherish anger.

Frederick Buechner says: Continue reading

Knowing God…

A short time ago, I was amazed as I spoke to a friend concerning prayer. It wasn’t amazing that we spoke about prayer. What surprised me was her take on prayer. She’s a good Roman Catholic woman who found herself in a life and death situation. She said something like, “I couldn’t even say an ‘Our Father.’ I didn’t know what to do, so I just poured out my heart to God.”

It was hard for me to imagine that, prior to that moment, she’d never considered “pouring out your heart to God” as prayer.

Prayer for Daily BreadNow, I understand the importance of The Lord’s Prayer (Our Father). I always felt that saying it is a personal expression of my faith, just as reciting a love poem to my sweetheart is an expression of my love. But imagine that all your lover ever did was recite poetry to you. And imagine that the poetry he or she recited was always the same one or the same ones. How would that feel?

I believe God’s looking for you to pour your heart out to him regularly — in your own words, with your own thoughts.

This message, delivered at my church on August 7, 2005, expresses that thought. A podcast of it is here. The complete outline for this message is available on request. Email me for details.

Under God’s Grace,