The Uncertainty Principle…

45 Man is nothing but a subject full of natural error that cannot be eradicated except through grace. Nothing shows him the truth, everything deceives him. The two principles of truth, reason and senses, are not only both not genuine, but are engaged in mutual deception. The senses deceive reason through false appearances, and, just as they trick the soul, they are tricked by it in their turn; it takes its revenge. The senses are disturbed by passions, which produce false impressions. They both compete in lies and deception. —Blaise Pascal, Penses

Give us your grace, O Lord, to overcome our complete inadequacy to grasp truth.

Jesus and Humor…

Through the years, I’ve seen a lot of Christians look down on others for their sense of humor, particularly when it is expressed in homily or in any other “spiritual” context. I am not sure how that works, since I believe that all of life is holy. It’s hard to imagine Jesus telling a joke. Yet humor is distinctly human. And Jesus was fully human.

To investigate the concept of Jesus and humor further, I am reading an older book by Elton Trueblood called, The Humor of Christ (Harper & Row, San Francisco, 1964). At first, I was skeptical of what Trueblood might say concerning Jesus’ humor, but he does an excellent job of explaining humor and then demonstrating it. Trueblood begins by defining humor and illustrating it from literature in general.

You may think it strange that he’d have to explain humor, but if you’ve ever been in a different cultural situation, you know that without familiarity with that culture, you need an interpreter just to explain the jokes. Continue reading


One of my great temptations is to compartmentalize my life — to separate the holy from the everyday. I remember doing this when I was a kid, riding the tractor around the field in the monotony of cutting grass or raking hay. I would sing songs as I went, making sure that for every secular tune I sang, I would sing a religious one. There is nothing wrong with this practice, but the problem was that I began to give God parts of my time instead of recognizing all my time came from and therefore belonged to him.

I’ve found that this tendency to compartmentalize is common to Christians; and I fear that church culture actually encourages it. People have their church clothes and their normal clothes. People have a church vocabulary and they have their common vocabulary. People have their church friends and their other friends. Separation of the secular from the sacred betrays the fact that we are reserving part of our life for ourselves. We can justify this practice by drawing comfort from the fact that at least our church life is sacred.

In his unique style, Frederick Buechner helps us see the folly in this. He writes:

A sacrament is when something holy happens. It is transparent time, time which you can see through to something deep inside time.

Generally speaking, Protestants have two official sacraments (the Lord’s Supper, Baptism) and Roman Catholics these two plus five others (Confirmation, Penance, Extreme Unction, Ordination, and Matrimony). In other words, at such milestone moments as seeing a baby baptized or being baptized yourself, confessing your sins, getting married, dying, you are apt to catch a glimpse of the almost unbearable preciousness and mystery of life.

Needless to say, church isn’t the only place where the holy happens. Sacramental moments can occur at any moment, any place, and to anybody. Watching something get born. Making love. A high-school graduation. Somebody coming to see you when you’re sick. A meal with people you love. Looking into a stranger’s eyes and finding out he’s not a stranger.

If we weren’t blind as bats, we might see that life itself is sacramental. (Frederick Buechner, Wishful Thinking, London: Collins, 1973, p.82-83.)

I think if we could take off the bat-eyes, and see with an eye toward eternity, we could overcome this tendency to separate our lives into Christian and secular events. Then we could really say, with Paul, For me, to live is Christ (Philippians 1:21).
