The Great Commission: To Make Disciples…

Donald McGavran in My Pilgrimage in Mission, said:

As my convictions about mission and church growth were being molded in the 1930s and 40s they ran headlong into the thrust that mission is doing many good things in addition to evangelism. I could not accept this way of thinking about missions. These good deeds must, of course, be done, and Christians will do them. I myself was doing many of them. But they must never replace the essential task of mission, discipling the peoples of earth.

I agree. ~Steve

Lost and the Concept of Revenge…

So I am watching LOST last night and I see Jack beating the living daylights out of Ben when Ben orders the death of the men on the beach and I feel this strange sense of satisfaction with each punch Jack delivers. I say strange, but it’s not strange at all. It’s that same old feeling each of us gets when we see something more than justice at work — it comes when we see revenge taking place.

Speaking of revenge, here’s a sermon I preached last week on that very issue.