2008 Back to School Sermon…

One of my favorite things to do is to travel. If I were not called to preach, I’d probably want to be an over-the-road trucker. Or a tour guide for some exotic travel agency. It’s because I get bored easily and love experiencing new things. ADHD.

It’s good to travel because exposing your mind to other cultures is a powerful way to grow personally. When you travel, you learn that American culture is filled with myths. We like to think we’re above other cultures with their primitive beliefs, but we have them too.

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This Side of Glory…

The Author of the Story

from “Mr Buechner’s Dream,” the album

Words by Terry Scott Taylor

She had one foot on the ground
And one foot in the air
(it seemed) the world held her cold hand
While the angels brushed her hair

“but that’s how it has to end
On this side of glory,
Some wounds will never mend,”
Says the author of the story

I held one hand in the fire
And lifted one hand towards the sky
But the busy world still turned
And the angels passed me by

Sometimes there seems to be
No author of the story
These thoughts occur to me
On this side of glory

And I kissed the Lamb of God
And my fingers found the wounds
And the angels moved the stone
And I searched the vacant room

On His Tombstone…

I was reading a good exposition of a passage today and I wondered, “Who is this writer?” So I clicked the “About Me” tab on the site and it said little about him except this:

What I want on my tombstone: “Bring It!”

I love it. I am sure he doesn’t mean to arrogantly challenge death. Rather, as a servant of Jesus Christ, he’s looking forward to what awaits him in Christ, beyond the grave.

Me too.

Bring it.