Overcoming Roadblocks to Seeing Miracles…

Have you ever wondered why you don’t see God’s power the way others see it? You may wonder that if you’ve heard some of the stories I have heard. I remember when a missionary named Marge came to my church and told the story of an Indian in Columbia that didn’t believe in Jesus. He was actually highly resistant to the work of the missionaries. He died and at his funeral, he sat up and said, “God sent me back to tell you Jesus is REAL!”

Do we see that? Why not?

What about the concept of the demons fleeing. A missionary once told me a story of a pastor in Africa who had been chased by dogs. Eventually it was revealed that the local shaman – or witch doctor – had done this through black magic. The church prayed about it and the shaman disappeared.

Do we see that kind of thing in our lives? Why not?

I have heard some say that “The Bible is complete, so there is no more need for signs like this to occur.” Have you heard that? Miracles don’t occur now because we have the Bible instead. I don’t think that’s the case. I think that’s an attempt to rationalize.

Others say that “We ought not ask God to do extravagant things – just be glad for what you have.” That just seems cold.

Still others say, “We don’t have enough faith.” That’s probably closer to the truth, but doesn’t it seem a little simplistic?

The closing verses of Matthew 13 speak about Jesus not doing miracles in a certain time and place. I believe he didn’t do the miracles there because the people were in a self-imposed bondage.

This audio file addresses three reasons for this bondage and helps us rid ourselves so we can experience all God has for us.

Coping with Life’s Difficulties — Conflicting Currents

At the southernmost point of the African continent is a place called Cape Agulhas. It lies south and east of The Cape of Good Hope and is less well-known. But it’s not unknown to sailors. The sea off Cape Agulhas is notorious for winter storms and mammoth rogue waves, which can range up to 100 feet high, having sunken even large ships. Why?

Why is this area of the worlds seawater marked by such turmoil? There are a number of reasons. Three oceans meet here: The Atlantic, the Indian, and the South Polar Ocean. The naturally strong winds, which blow unencumbered from west to east, and the cold Antarctic Current flowing in the same direction, meet the warmer Agulhas Current in the region of the cape. These conflicting currents of water of different densities, and other factors can create extremely hazardous wave conditions.

Conflicting currents. They can cause turmoil. There are a lot of places besides Cape Agulhas where conflicting currents cause turmoil. What about when sending kids to school? I remember when we put Tim on the school bus to go to kindergarten. My friend, John, said, “Steve – be ready to see your wife cry.” I thought, “Why would you cry at that?” The answer: Conflicting currents. In one sense, a mother is glad to see her child growing and heading to school. In another sense, she is grieving the loss. As an aside, I would say it was the same with Esther. And in both cases, both Laurel and I cried.

The audio file here helps us learn to deal with conflicting currents in our lives.

What’s Wrong with my Family and How Do I Fix It?

Early on, in his book, Sacred Marriage, Gary Thomas writes these words.

…most of us who have been married for any substantial length of time realize that the romantic roller coaster of courtship eventually evens out to the terrain of a Midwest interstate – long, flat stretches with an occasional overpass. When this happens, couples respond in different ways. Many will break up their relationship and try to recreate the passionate romance with someone else. Other couples will descend into a sort of marital guerrilla warfare, a passive-aggressive power play as each partner blames the other for personal dissatisfaction or lack of excitement. Some couples decide to simply “get along.” Still others may opt to pursue a deeper meaning, a spiritual trust hidden in the enforce intimacy of the marital situation. (Gary Thomas in Sacred Marriage, pp. 16-17.)

May I encourage you – beg you – to choose to pursue deep intimacy by letting your marriage refine you?

It’s the only way you will have a healthy family.

This sermon addresses family relationship both in the Family of God and in your Family Family.