Need some encouragement?

Everyone knows it’s nice to get a gift. And the Word teaches us that it’s more blessed to give than to receive. But have you ever thought of a third possibility — that it’s blessed to BE a gift?

This somewhat theologically heavy podcast, speaks of the reality that those who have repented and placed their faith in Christ are actually gifts from the Father to the Son — and more.

If you are looking to be encouraged by how God views his children, this podcast is for you.

The Trivialization of Christ’s Return…

Regardless of the date on the calendar, this has been a safe statement to make: There’s a lot of interest in the end times. There is. There was. There always will be. Sometimes opportunists take advantage of this and create “ministries” that focus exclusively on this, either for a season, as in a few months, to a lifetime.

Because of this, we can again say it today. There’s a lot of interest in the end times. And there is a ministry that is promoting the idea that judgment is going to happen this month. May 21, 2011.

This podcast addresses what we can and cannot know about the end times and gives us something productive to do in the mean time.

More Information on Jesus…

Frequently, people who only make it on Easter receive a fragmented view of who Jesus is. He’s the God who loves us. He’s the One who died on the throne. He’s the Firstfruits of the resurrection. He’s the Ascended One.

But Jesus is so much more than that. This Easter podcast works to display the person of Christ in a more complete manner.

Worthy is the Lamb who was slain.