Humor Among the Monks…

In the movie, The Name of the Rose, Sean Connery’s character, William, is investigating suspicious activities in a medieval abbey. While he is investigating in a room filled with monks, a mouse scares those present and they laugh at one another for squealing like little girls.

Upon hearing the laughter, an elderly blind monk, Jorge, enters the room to protest the frivolity. As a lifelong advocate of humor among the brethren, I found their dialogue strangely familiar.

Jorge: (In a foreign language) A monk should not laugh for only the fools lifts up his voice in laughter. (In English) I trust my words did not offend you, Brother William. But I heard persons laughing at laughable things. You Franciscans, however, belong to an order where merriment is viewed with indulgence.

William: Yes, it’s true. St. Francis was much disposed to laughter.

Jorge: Laughter is a devilish wind which deforms, uh, the veinements of the face and makes the man look like monkeys.

William: Monkeys do not laugh. Laughter is particular to man.

Jorge: As a sin! Christ never laughed.

William: Can we be so sure?

Jorge: There is nothing in the Scriptures to say that he did!

William: And there is nothing in the Scriptures to say that he did not. Why even the saints have been known and employed comedy — to ridicule the enemies of the faith. For example, when the pagans  plunged Saint Maurus into the boiling water, he complained that his bath was too cold. The Sultan put his hand in — scolded himself.

Jorge: A saint immersed in boiling water does not play childish tricks; he restrains his cries and suffers for the truth.

William: And yet Aristotle devoted his second book of Poetics to comedy as an instrument of truth.

Jorge: You have read this work?

William: No, of course not. It’s been lost for many centuries.

Jorge: No, it has not! It was never written! Because Providence doesn’t want futile things glorified.

William: Oh this I must contest…

Jorge: Enough! This abbey’s overshadowed by grief, yet you would intrude on our sorrow with idle banter!

William: Forgive me venerable Jorge. My remarks were truly out of place.

No commentary here. Just a realization of the eternal struggle many have reconciling humor with their faith. For a thorough treatment of this, you might want to read, The Humor of Christ by Elton Trueblood. Trueblood saved me from losing my sense of humor to the Jorges of this world.

PS: Be aware that the movie is rated R. It’s not family friendly. A scene or two took me by surprise; then I remembered that rating systems are generally accurate. Duh.

PODCAST: The Audacity of Sin…

Tiger Woods was talented, clean-cut, charismatic, and generally well-liked. He broke records in the world of golf. His marriage to Elin Nordegren seemed like a fairy tale — two beautiful people with beautiful children. Then, according to the media, Tiger made some bad decisions. Lots of bad decisions involving adultery. One news outlet reported in April that his numerous affairs have cost him about $1 million per mistress. It’s cost him more than that. His game is off. He’s no longer the golden-boy of golf. His popularity is in the basement. And he’s lost Elin. Recently a news headline read, “Tiger says being a father is hard since his divorce.” It’s a classic case of a superstar thinking that the rules didn’t apply to him. It was nothing more, nothing less than, audacity.

Recently, three college students crossed a safety barricade at the top of Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park so they could have their photo taken. The result was not pretty. The swift-moving water of the falls caught them and dragged all three over the 317 foot cliff. It was a classic case of intelligent people thinking that they knew better than the experts. Sad to say, it was pure and simple audacity. It cost them their lives.

In 2009, a 54-year-old mountain climbing guide, was leading come climbers up a snow-capped mountain in his native New Zealand. Although the spot he was climbing had melting snow and ice and he, being a seasoned climber, did not take the normal precautions of belaying himself. You know what happened, right? It was a classic case of a seasoned veteran thinking he was smart enough to break the rules. It is pure and simple audacity.

All three of these stories connect with the podcast here — a message about a man who thought he knew better than anyone else, even better than Jesus.

PODCAST: Back to School Sermon on Wisdom


I think we have all had good and bad experiences in school. That’s why Alice Cooper’s School’s Out and Pink Floyd’s Another Brick in the Wall will always be popular.

One of the most important things you can take with you to school is lockersSolomon, the wisest who ever lived, tells us to get wisdom.

But what does that mean? What is the wisdom of which he speaks? Don’t worry — Solomon unfolds that wisdom throughout Proverbs 4.

This podcast looks at Solomon’s wisdom and applies it to us all — especially to those who are going back to school.