Visiting the White Cliffs of Dover

Saturday we went to see the White Cliffs of Dover. They are probably whiter when the sun is shining on them.  So if you go, pick any of the three days the sun actually shines in Britain each year to make your visit.

While there, we took a good number of pictures of the amazing buildings. Buildings that included a castle made by Henry II and tunnels used by Napoleon and Ramsey. Ramsey was the British general who oversaw the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Additionally there was a great tower (A Roman lighthouse) there dating back to the first or second century, depending who you ask.

All in all a great visit to a really neat place.

The Gap Between who you THINK you are and who you REALLY are…

Each of us faces a gap at different times in our life. It’s just part of being human.

I remember when I used to be able to walk any hill around and never get winded. I’m not saying I am older and out of shape. I am just saying that I am finally old enough to see the importance of taking a good long rest at the end of a big hill-climb.  And maybe a couple rests in the middle of such climbs. There’s a gap between how I see myself — 25 years of age, and how I really am — nearly twice that.

There’s another place you often see a gap. It’s the gap between how you see yourself in terms of morality and how you really are, morally. I think that often, those who are caught in a sexual compromise are people who saw themselves as being above temptation. Then when the chance came along, they learned of the gap between who they thought they were and who they were.

Everyone who is a Christian has seen the gap. We’ve seen that we are not good, moral people who are better than others. And coming to terms with that reality, we’ve repented of our pride and other sins. And we’ve turned to Jesus, asking him to forgive us. That’s the most basic way there is to mind the gap: To admit you’re not, ethically speaking, who you need to be. And to see that Jesus died to forgive you and transform you into who you need to become.

This gap between who we think we are, morally, and who we really are, morally is the gap Jesus speaks of in the passage this sermon springs from.

You can listen to it below.

Back to School Sermon: Five Lies I Learned in School…

It’s that time again…. Back to school shopping. Back to school parties, and the highly anticipated back to school sermon.

school02You may feel this is a bit early, but usually, when I wait until later, many of the students are already gone. In the past some of them have listened online or on their iPods. That’s great. But I want to speak to the students before their brains shut down for the first day of school. 😉

This sermon is about Five Lies I Heard in School. Lies that can be extremely damaging. Lies like these are not limited to the school setting. Even young Timothy was warned by the Apostle Paul, to guard against such things. The last two verses of the first letter Paul writes to him say this…

Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have wandered from the faith. Grace be with you. — 1 Timothy 6:20-21 (NIV)

So as Paul warned Timothy against wandering from the faith, I am warning my students: Guard what has been entrusted to you.

The manuscript for this sermon is available by request. Email me at: