A Bedtime Prayer…

Years ago a college student I know was having trouble with nightmares. Every night, she would lose sleep as she would awaken with a sense of fear and dread. Eventually she couldn’t even get to sleep, fearing what she might dream. Every night she would call her mom and ask her to pray with her so she might get some rest.

Eventually, I sent her this prayer in email, hoping it would be of assistance. She called me and said it had been a great help. The words of the prayer aren’t some kind of magic formula, however the truth represented and the commitment made were key to having a good night’s sleep.

God — thank You for bringing me into Your family, making me Your child, and blessing me with “every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms with Christ Jesus.” Thank You for giving me this time of physical renewal, mental rest, and emotional refreshment as I sleep. I receive it as one of Your gifts for me — one of Your children — and I trust You to guard my body and mind as I sleep.

I have thought about You and Your truth throughout this day. I choose to dwell on those thoughts as I go to sleep. I commit myself to You for protection against every attempt of Satan and any other unclean spirits to attack me as I sleep. Guard my heart and mind from nightmares. I reject all fear and cast every anxiety upon You, Lord, for You care for me. I resolve to rest in You as my rock, my fortress and my strong tower. Place Your peace upon this resting place. In the strong name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Sleep tight.