Download of “The Princess Bride” Baccalaureate Sermon

Dan Osterhout and I were privileged to speak at the local school for the Baccalaureate Service. We did a kind of team-preaching sermon that was received pretty well. One note: the education of students today is sorely lacking exposure to the classic film, The Princess Bride.

Some personal thoughts about speaking at Baccalaureate:

  1. The only way to ensure good attendance at a Baccalaureate Service is to involve students. The more of them that participate, the better the turnout will be.
  2. You’re probably not going to change any lives in a Baccalaureate sermon. Can you remember what the speaker at your Baccalaureate sermon said? I can’t even remember who spoke at mine, let alone what they said. Use it to whet their appetite for what you and other pastors have to say.
  3. Two words of advice: Short. Sweet. No one is coming to hear the preacher(s). Leave them wanting more.

We make it our practice to use pastors who either have family graduating or students in their church graduating.

You can download the attached sermon and use it freely.

Click here to down the Baccalaureate Sermon: Life Is Pain

The only request I have is that you let me know if you find it valuable.