The Groundhog Has to Die…

He drives them crazy
So fat and lazy
Crawling on his chest
They pull him out
And with a shout
Ask him to do the rest

The Groundhog has to die.

He furrows his brow
And with a scowl
He looks upon them all
And privately
With evil glee
Devises pain for all

The Groundhog has to die.

No shadow there
No sun to spare
And still he spews forth ill
“Six more weeks”
Is what he speaks
“Six more weeks of chill”

The Groundhog has to die.

And so hearts burn
As with a turn
Retreats he to his den
And with great grief
And no relief
His subjects wail again

The Groundhog has to die.

I don’t believe
He can conceive
Of what his fans adore
But I believe
I will retrieve
A 7mm bore

The Groundhog has to die.

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