Sports Limerick…

We all know that the limerick is the highest literary art form. Combine that sentiment with a strong disdain for the N.E. Patriots, and…

New England is playing with malice.
They cover my heart with a callous.
They drive me to sin.
I just hate it when they win.
I hate them like I used to hate Dallas.

3 thoughts on “Sports Limerick…

  1. Nice…

    What happened to the Stillers yesterday? Maybe I should write a limerick…

    There once was a team from Steel City
    To watch them aroused such great pity…

    Hm…I’ll work on that.

  2. 🙂

    As Cowher used to say, “It was ugly, but it was a win. I’ll take it.”

    Joey Porter was great last night. Did you see him shouting at the Steeler bench from the Miami sideline, “You know you love me!” He’s right we love him — as long as we beat him.

  3. Actually, I didn’t. I was watching Antique’s Roadshow…

    I’ve been reading all the wire stuff and discussing with coworkers, so…

    What’s up with not playing the National Anthem as well? 🙁

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