Real Temptation…

May I ask some personal questions?

Have you ever mistakenly elevated your physical needs and desires above your relationship with God?

Your sex life? Your friendships? Your finances? It would be very easy to believe the devil when he tempts us to consider these things more important than our walk with God. It would be easy to turn worthless stones into bread without regard for what it would do to our relationships with God.

What about living life in the extremes?

Are you ever tempted to exchanged an ordinary satisfying walk with God for something that looks super-spiritual?

Do you ever go home from Christian fellowship thanking God that you’re not like the rest of “those people” — so heavenly-minded they are no earthly good?

Or have you done the opposite, trading a heritage of godliness for a life of cheap grace? Have you fallen for the devil’s lie that you can do whatever you want and God will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot when you fall?

Such thinking may look like spiritual maturity and faith, but it’s actually presumption.

Or have you allowed yourself to worship something other that God?

Your family? Your finances? Your friendships? Your pride? Your time?

These temptations that you and I face are not unlike those Jesus faced.

They are universal. And the devil presents them to all of us. If you’ve fallen for any of them or if you’re in danger of doing so, you might want to listen to this message.