Why Christianity Isn’t Working for Some People…

“It is virtually impossible to read the Bible and not see the truth that God expects His people to invest into His kingdom what He has given them, which typically involves other people. In fact, Jesus warns us that if we try to hoard what we have, will lose our lives. Perhaps this is why there are so many who claim to know Christ but whose lives are characterized by an absence of joy and a presence of depression or boredom. Ministering to others is not merely a mandate to “paid professionals.” It is the calling of anyone who claims to be a Christian. In fact, it is often at the intersection of our life with that of another that God does His most remarkable, joyful, and permanent work.”

~Fran Sciacca in To Serve With All Your Strength, p. 38.

Where does Kurt Warner’s mind go?

I have to admit I was cheering for the 49ers Sunday night because of how I love Mike Singletary, but when Warner spoke on field at the end of the game, I was delighted. They asked him the generic questions, and he gave the generic answers. When asked where his mind goes in a game like this, he said…. Well — just take a look. The editing is pretty poor and the text seems a bit overdone in a corny way, but get past that and just listen to Kurt. Love it.

This is just another reason I love the NFL.